26 April 2005: Lima Complex Attack in Khogyani District

Lima Company along with ANA were engaged with two IEDs followed by small arms fire in the Khogyani District, Nangarhar Province that resulted in the injury of three local nationals caught in the cross-fire, all three were MEDEVACed to Bagram Airfield and eventually recovered from gun shot wounds.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005


3/3 Command Chronology

“On 26 April, a platoon from Lima Company along with ANA was targeted by two IEDs followed by a small arms ambush from three insurgents. One of the insurgents fled and began firing an AK-47 from behind a nearby taxi van full of civilians. The presence of the civilians restricted coalition fires and allowed the insurgents to escape. Three local nationals were MEDEVAC’d with gunshot wounds and all eventually recovered at Bagram Medical Facility. Lima Company seized upon the fact that the AQAM had used the local nationals as cover as an operation for effective information operations with the local national population.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005


Afghans Wounded in Firefight Being Treated at U.S. Base

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2005 – Two Afghans wounded during an ambush by insurgent forces near Jalalabad, Afghanistan, on April 26 continue recovery in a U.S. hospital at Bagram Air Base.

The first patient, who suffered a gunshot wound to the back, is listed in guarded condition, according to a Combined Forces Command Afghanistan official.

“He’s not awake but is showing signs of improvement,” Intensive Care Unit nurse Capt. Edward Burke said April 28. “We’re monitoring him very closely and will soon start to wean him off the stronger medications.”

The second patient, a woman who suffered a gunshot wound to the abdomen and a broken arm, is doing better and is listed in good condition.

“She had a tough time but is doing better,” ICU chief nurse Maj. Rick Martin said April 28. “She’s breathing well and we’re going to try and get her to walk a bit later today. Her son came to visit her today from Jalalabad, and she was alert and talking. She’s stable and doing well.”

Both patients were wounded April 26 when insurgents, using remote-controlled improvised explosive devices and small arms, ambushed Afghan National Army forces patrolling near Jalalabad.

A quick-reaction force from the U.S. 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, responded to the attack to assist the ANA, and a firefight ensued. During the fight, the insurgents maneuvered behind a van loaded with civilian passengers. The passengers tried to exit the van to seek cover. Three were wounded in the process.

Coalition medical specialists immediately rendered assistance to the wounded individuals, who were evacuated by helicopter to Bagram. One was released April 27.

Officials said an investigation into the matter is under way to determine how the civilians were wounded.

“Coalition forces go to great lengths to ensure noncombatants are not in the line of fire. It is very clear that the insurgents are not playing by the same rules,” said Army Brig. Gen. James G. Champion, Combined Joint Task Force 76’s deputy commanding general for operations.

Source: American Forces Press Service

Categories: Direct Fire, Improvised Explosive Device, Lima Company, Nangarhar Province, News

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