26 August 2006: India-3 Firefight

While occupying a house as an observation post, India-3 took heavy direct fire with one Marine WIA. — Source, Brock Brothers: Personal Attack Record




Brock Brothers

While occupying a house as an observation post, my squad and I received sniper fire from the roof. After that, we moved to a different house to gain a reestablished OP. We started taking small arms fire again from the roof. Myself and 3 others moved on top of the roof to look for the enemy. Suddenly, we started receiving a heavy volume of fire as we returned fire tremendously, gaining fire superiority. Afterwards, we moved down from the house and searched nearby buildings- again, the enemy had fled. A gunshot wound to a marine’s leg was the only casualty that occurred. It was the heaviest fire fight I had experienced.
* Personally returned fire
* Personally engaged …
* Mobile units found several IEDs around the firing area afterwards- it signified the enemy was possibly drawing us in towards an IED ambush

Categories: OIF 05-07, Testimonial, Video | Tags: ,

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