
31 January – 18 February 2011: Pacific Division Match

110214-M-7950P-005“Marines from [the battalion] participated in the Pacific Division Matches to compete in rifle and pistol marksmanship.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2011

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14 January 2011: Battalion Memorial Service

357646“All battalion personnel conducted a memorial service for Kilo Marines 1stLt Scott Fleming and Sgt Joe Wrightsman on 14 January.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2011
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Categories: Fallen Angels, Hawaii / Pacific, News, OEF 10-01, Photographs, Video | Tags: , , , , , , ,

7 – 8 December 2010: Homecoming

Conduits for Progress: 'America's Battalion' returns successful from Afghanistan deployment“Upon returning [to] Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) Kaneohe Bay, the battalion main body executed a 96-hour liberty block.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 December to 31 December 2010

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Categories: Hawaii / Pacific, KITV, News, OEF 10-01, Photographs, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

11 November 2010: U.S. Senators Visit FOB Jaker

LtCol Jeff Holt, Nawa District, Afghanistan. November 2010.

Several U.S. senators paid a visit to FOB Jaker. Read more »

Categories: News, OEF 10-01, Photographs | Tags:

7 November 2010: Dealer 54 Plaque Dedication Ceremony

LtCol. Jeff Holt, Battalion Staff. FOB Geronimo, Afghanistan. November 2010.

LtCol. Jeff Holt, Battalion Staff. FOB Geronimo, Afghanistan. November 2010.

Battalion held a plaque dedication ceremony at FOB Geronimo for the two HMLA-369 pilots killed in July while supporting India Company. HMLA-369 leadership were in attendance. – Source: Regimental Combat Team 1 Press Release Read more »

Categories: Fallen Angels, News, OEF 10-01, Photographs | Tags: , , , , ,

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