17 September 2010: Kilo-1 Firefight
During a pre-election patrol, elements of Kilo Company 1st Platoon were engaged by Taliban fighters. One Marine, 1st Lieutenant Scott Fleming, was killed in action.
22 July 2010: ‘Dealer 54’ Crash

India Company responding to the Dealer 54 crash site. Trek Nawa, Afghanistan. July 2010.
An AH-1 Cobra from HMLA-369 was shot down while in support of India Company during Operation THRESHER, killing the two pilots. The operation was suspended one day for a Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel mission. Read more
19 September 2007: Kilo Firefight in Halabsa
Kilo Company was engaged by a significant enemy force near Halabsa, Iraq, resulting in no casualties. Read more
1 September 2006: Attack on ETT
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device
Robert Betts III
Heroic achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as driver, Embedded Training Team, Weapons Company, 3d Battalion, 3d Marines, Regimental Combat Team-7, I Marine Expeditionary Force Forward, on 1 September 2006, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. On this day, Lance Corporal Betts’ Embedded Training Team element was responding to an adjacent unit’s call for support when they came under an enemy small arms fire attack. Lance Corporal Betts’ vehicle commander was severely wounded as a result of the engagement, sustaining a gunshot wound to the arm causing massive arterial bleeding. Expertly applying a tourniquet to his arm, Lance Corporal Betts stopped the blood loss and undoubtedly saved the Marine’s life. Lance Corporal Betts then exposed himself for over five minutes to enemy small arms fire as he attempted to free his vehicle from the mud. Once free, he loaded the casualty into his vehicle and aided in the successful evacuation of the wounded Marine. Lance Corporal Betts’ initiative, perseverance and total dedication to duty reflected credit upon him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
29 August 2006: Sniper Team 85E Engagement
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device
Rene Camarillo
Heroic achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as Team Leader, Scout Sniper Team, Company I, 3d Battalion, 3d Marines, Regimental Combat Team-7, from March to September 2006, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. During this period, Sergeant Camarillo executed his duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. He expertly employed his team during over 100 combat patrols, 40 combat surveillance missions, and numerous cordon and search operations. His team’s mastery of clandestine observation techniques gathered invaluable intelligence for the commander, and their precision fires successfully eliminated seven insurgents. On 29 August 2006, he skillfully employed his team to destroy a three man enemy ambush as they attempted to attack a coalition patrol. Displaying exceptional decisiveness, he directed the actions of his team as they eliminated the insurgent fighters, significantly degrading the enemy’s overall capabilities and undoubtedly preventing future attacks on coalition forces. Sergeant Camarillo’s initiative, perseverance and total dedication to duty reflected credit upon him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
Brandon Wittwer
Heroic achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving As Assistant Team Leader, Scout Sniper Team, Company I, 3d Battalion, 3d Marines, Regimental Combat Team-7, I Marine Expeditionary Force Forward, from March to September 2006, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. During this period, Sergeant Wittwer executed his duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. He expertly assisted with the employment of his team during over 40 combat surveillance missons, 100 combat patrols, and numerous cordon and search operations. His mastery of clandestine observation techniques gathered invaluable intelligence for the commander. On 29 August 2006, he skillfully and decisively engaged an Anti-Iraqi Force team that was conducting an ambush on a coalition force patrol. He successfully eliminated the insurgent fighters, significantly degrading the enemy’s overall capabilities and undoubtedly preventing future attacks on coalition forces. Sergeant Wittwer’s initiative, perseverance, and total dedication to duty reflected credit upon him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
Brock Brothers
Personal Attack Record: August 29th, 2006 1900 Snipers engage a vehicle after attacking a convey and blew it up (like the movies) in which 2 insurgents were blown out and burnt while another one was bleeding to death. 3 enemy KIA in all.